Ashphodel Week 6 Development

Our final dev log before our assignment submission its been a wild ride from start to finish. We set out with ambitious plans for a an indie space horror and I would say we have reached that level. to some degree. Time did escape us a bit however causing us to reduce some of the features of our game mainly the full multiple weapon system and various pickups throughout the map. I would say however we have completed at least %90 of the features we wanted to implement which isn't to bad for a first 3d game. I did want to put pictures here but the end product will be playable within the next 48 hours and I wouldn't want to spoiler anything for anyone.

The main things we focused on this week were final polishes for our game mainly populating each level with appropriate decor. we have both made and sourced models for this job as time is short but still making sure that each model is suitable for the scene. An appropriate space themed skybox was chosen to add to the immersion. We also added roofs so it doesn't look like you should be sucked out into the vacuum of space every time the camera was able to catch a glimpse of the skybox. Obviously with the addition of a roof camera the necessity of indoor light sources where we created luminescent objects  with the knowledge we learn from the lighting tutorial earlier this semester. We finally implemented a proper stylised GUI system with a unique spin on the health bar.  

Combat was finally implemented properly with some key optimisations to the weapon system most notably proper graphics and sounds as well as an aim assist line, the player can also no longer shoot through walls because everyone hates hackers. The player was also finally given a health system and finally came to grasps with his own mortality and after much trial and error our enemy AI's took his first steps and  finally learned to walk towards and attack the player on sight. Most importantly we turned down the dying sounds of the enemies so that they don't physically incapacitate the person just trying to have fun and play our great game.

That pretty much wraps everything up into a nice little gift the game comes out Friday the 15th which looking at the time of me writing this is today so yay probably some time in the after noon no earlier that five and definitely no later that 23:55 wouldn't want to come all this way to loose marks over time. So until then Good-morning, Good-evening, Good-night.

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