Week 5 Self Study/Portfolio

For the self study this week, I had to implement lighting into a scene in Unity. After removing the skybox, default scene light and ambient lighting, I followed a tutorial provided by Brackeys to create good looking lighting within my  scene, the tutorial is linked below.

Firstly, two emission textures were created, one orange and one yellow. Values were adjusted to increase the glow, and lightmaps were adjusted to improve the seamlessness of the lighting. Because this was a small scene, the resolution of the lightmaps was decreased to make things render faster, without sacrificing too much quality.

For the "Tourist Destination" Scene I took my rock pool, and added some lighting/glow effects to the water, then I applied a texture to a large circular object in the sky. and adjusted it to bake the whole map in a subtle orange glow, making the scene look like it was set during a warm sunset in a far away place.

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